Friday, February 28, 2014



Unknown said...

How can we be able to buy one of these fantastic Gold WIng shirts? Can you also put different years and colors for the bike itself?
please let us know

Lynn McDonald said...

I am interested in one of these also how could get one

Unknown said...

Hi, how can I by a t-shirt with GoldWing? Thanks. Alexander

Anonymous said...

i want toorder a gold wing shrit

Unknown said...

Hello! I would like to know how to get 2 of the GOLDWING shirts

Ed said...

Are you selling these shirts or just the design?

My Pathway said...

Hi, I bought your t-shirts shown but have yet to receive them. Could you help to check?

Unknown said...

Salam mas widjana...gimana bisa beli tshirt goldwing ini?

Unknown said...

Why not put the ordering info out there so anybody can order those shirts?

Classic Racing Cars